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The Nido (Infant) Program

Each year there will be students who progress academically, physically, socially and/or mentally to the point that they would benefit by moving to a level that offers more challenging opportunities to match their development. Readiness criteria differs from level to level and program placements are not determined solely by academic ability or age.

First day of school. Exploring the shelf

The Nido Program

6 weeks to 18 months

The Infant Program specifically embraces children not yet walking. These children sleep in cribs, drink from a bottle or are nursing, or maybe just learning how to drink from a cup. The infants in this program receive loving attention throughout the day from three trained teachers continuously throughout the day. The infant schedule allows the children to sleep, eat, play and learn on their own individual schedule. Teachers in the Infant Room are immediately aware of the needs of each child and attend to the child’s needs in a gentle and caring manner. Diapers are checked and changed at least every hour or more often if necessary. Infants are changed at a changing station where warm running water is within arm’s reach.

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